A downloadable Parappa Rap Remix for Windows

"He's back again, the young pup on the block!"

Parappa Rap Remix is a Parappa the Rapper fangame that recreates all the stages of all the Parappa Saga

Play again all the songs from Parappa The Rapper, UmJammer Lammy and Parappa The Rapper 2!

Play alone, with a CPU or with a friend! Play Solo, in Team or in VS! Get GOOD and COOL Rank! But most important: Have fun with the funk!

"Okay, Parappa. Relax. It's practice time!"

The controls are simple:

For player 1:

-Up Arrow: Triangle Button

-Down Arrow: Cross Button

-Left Arrow: Square Button

-Right Arrow: Circle Button

-I: L1 Button (In game)/Go back (In menu)

-O: R1 Button (In game)/Accept (In menu)

-K: L2 Button

-L: R2 Button

-Enter: Start Button

-Backspace: Select Button

For player 2:

-W: Triangle Button

-S: Cross Button

-A: Square Button

-D: Circle Button

-Q: L1 Button

-E: R1 Button

-Z: L2 Button

-C: R2 Button

-X: Select Button

At the moment, the game doesn't have native gamepad support. But a gamepad can be used in the game by using a external app like JoyToKey, which is free and easy to configure.

System requierements:

Okay okay I really didn't tested the game on a lot of computers so I have no idea of the exacts requierements to play this.

BUT, I know some things about that. Your computers needs a graphic card to play. It doesn't need to be a really good one, just have one, because playing with the integrated graphics is a bad idea, in most of the cases it will made the game run poorly, makes the loading screens take forever, and in general makes it unplayable.

You can try it in any computer tho, and you can even tell me about the perfomance so I can have a idea of the System requierements needed to play this. But I don't recommend you play it with no graphic card.

Anyways if you're interested, my computer specs are:

Intel Core i5-2400

CPU 3.10GHz

16,0 GB RAM

Windows 10 64 bits

Again, those are MY COMPUTER specs, not the requierements for the game.

Does it runs in Linux or MacOs?

For MacOs, I have no idea. I've never tested it.

For Linux, the game CAN open with WINE, but is not recommended because, well, is WINE, it always have problems LOL

If you want to play it in Linux, use Lutris using Proton, I tested it on Novara linux and the performance was exactly the same as in Windows.


BUG: The game freezes in the boot screen/Is moving very slow

ANSWER: Your computer does have graphic card? During the testing process, this problem only happened when I tested the game in a computer with integrated graphics. Do not play the game with integrated graphics.

BUG: The HUD Buttons/Song notechart/Mapping doesn't match with the audio.

ANSWER: If the desynchronization is slow, just press start and restart the level, it should fix it. If the desynchronization is a lot, surely your computer doesn't have a graphic card, and if it does haves one, make sure is a good one. Something else should be causing the problem, try to go to options and play with the HALF screen size.

BUG: Losing COOL Rank cause problems with the Parappa's Voice Clips/Lammy's Guitar SFXs

ANSWER: I know this bug occurs, but only occurs sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't happens, so I can't really know what is causing it. Anyways just restarting the stage fixes it instantly.

BUG: Infinite Loading Screen

ANSWER: This bug is so weird. I've been working in the game for an entire year, and I only saw this bug occur like 4 times in that entire year. I can't really know what does makes it occur because it didn't happened enough times to notice what was causing it. If this happens to you, just close the game. I recommend save your data constantly tho.

If you found another bug, write it on the comments so I can know it exists and try to fix it.

Content creator? Want game images and stickers/pngs in high quality?

Then you're on luck! Download the game Press Kit and use the images in whatever you want! (Just down say you drew them LOL)


The game just got updated to the v2.0.0! The new version works in GMS2 instead of GMS1, so the perfomance should be better. Also I fixed some bugs and optimized the game better.
ALSO I created the Low End version, which removes all the visuals of all the stages, check it out if you have a potato pc!

Release date Jun 30, 2024
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker
Tagselianrandomworks, Fangame, parappa, parappa-fangame, parappa-rap-remix, parappa-the-rapper
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Castilian, Spanish; Latin America, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil)
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2


Parappa Rap Remix v2.0.0 323 MB
Parappa Rap Remix Low End (For bad specs) 250 MB
Parappa Rap Remix v1.0.0 389 MB


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Subirás el codigo fuente? Quiero ver si es factible hacer un port a Vita pero necesito probar con el codigo del GMS1

Vaya, estaría cool ver dicho port. El código fuente lo subí hace buen tiempo en mi canal, acá dejo el link

Ten en cuenta de que es el código fuente de la version 1.0.0/Versión inicial, la cual fué hecha en GMS1, pero está algo desactualizada. El código de la version 2.0.0 y de laversion Low End, ambas hechas en GMS, no lo he publicado por flojera AHDJGKJXD


idea: sound fix (cut off other player sounds if a note is pressed)

Is possible, but I'm not updating this anymore unless I think is really needed, so not gonna happen LOL

Esta bueno para ser un Fan Made, y se que cuesta hacer algo así optimizado, pero debido al engine de audio de Game Maker, el audio se adelanta y arruina bastante la experiencia.

Aun así muy bien Eliam.

Pd: Si te sobra tiempo en tu vida, deberías hacer una versión igual, pero con las texturas mas pequeñas, pero conociendo Game Maker, me da flojera hasta pensarlo XD.



maldito autofollador


Es normal esa, suele pasar por problemas de hardware, mas que nada por la tarjeta grafica. Imagino que habrán formas de hacerlo mas optimizado de todos modos, pero yo ya hice lo que pude con la update 2.0.0 AKLSJHKDGJAKJHSDKJXD

De todos modos si eso aun no es suficiente, la version LowEnd debería bastar, ya que está hecha para correr en dispositivos mas debiles

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I love your fangame!!!!!! it must have ttaken you so much time

But I have problem with it, everything works, but whenever I launch à song, everything is desynchronized, and ig that this isn't normal TvT

Could you help me to solve this problem  please ,?

(English isn't my first language I'm sorry)

Oh yeah thanks a lot! This error happens depending of your hardware. If you can't try it on a better computer, try with selecting "Half" size screen in the options screen. If it still doesn't work, you can try the LowEnd version of Rap Remix which should run with better perfomance on less powerful computers


you answered so fast XDD

And ok, I'll try ! Thank you for you r  answer !^^

ASDHJKGHJASKHDKLJÑAD yeah I constantly check my notifications so I saw your response, hope it works!


it worked !!

I already knew it would work but anyways yayy ASDHASDKLAJHXD


how do i run the game?

Open ParappaRapRemix.exe, is in the game folder


i couldnt find it now i did ;sob;

Yeah GMS kinda made a mess in the gamefolder, just create a shortcut so you don't have to look for it anymore LOL

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You forgot to draw Lammy's horns, haha!



Hey Elian Look At This Video!

I intentionally let the game keep the cool rank while spamming I GOTTA in this stage bc is based on this: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10450253

Deleted 219 days ago
(1 edit)

1) That game already exists in first place
2) Making a game can (and will) take months, even years, Rap Remix took me 11 months. I have absolutely no reason to "waste" that amount of time working on someone else's game instead of working on my own (Unless it gives me money somehow or something, bc that would be basically being paid for a work LOL)
and 3) Even if this game didnt existed yet and I wanted to spend time making it, why would you really want to play a "yeah play this one time and then never touch it again in your life" game that much LOL


my bad bro

no problem LOL


plus it was not made in gamemaker and it does not give you money



gramar isue bru

I cant believe I didnt noticed before LOL


it wont let me open the game even when i extract files noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Did you opened ParappaRapRemix.exe? What happens when you do it? The computer freezes or nothing happens?


i tried opening it and it says "extract files blah blah blah yap yap" even if i already DID extract files, when i open it anyways it just takes me to the files

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Try downloading again as a zip file and open it in Winrar if u have it installed, and press P on ur keyboard and it will show the file. Hope this helps

(That's what I did lol u can do that if you extract the zip into a folder)


My whole computer froze because of this game... Gonna have to get a new one then

No graphic card :megamindno: ?




What do you mean by "No graphics card"? I'm pretty sure I have one and it's just my PC being weak. I have a Windows 7

Very surely is bc your computer is old, the game needs to save in memory a lot of things so that data is not loading in mid gameplay and start lagging in the middle of the song, which can be very annoying and create desyncronization


I'm planning to get a new one in the future so hopefully it will run the game when I get it

Hope it happens!


😱 quimic it it is............ Amazing!!!!!!!

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bro did not want to eat his pizza anymore




I remade PTR2 Stage 1 as a demo

Check it out on my profile (is fine if you don't want to)

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Can you give us a showcase of bad to awful? Plz plz


You can play the game for yourself to see it

The game's released

Yeah what Quimic said the game is released and free so you can try it by your own LOL




Im waitin


I didnt recorded the bad/awful mode but in this video it appeared for some seconds LOL


getting cool mode is so frickin hard bro

You have to finish the stage in GOOD rank first, then just replay the stage but follow the beat creating a new rhythm. The score system here is WAY less strict than the OG games so I dont see how can it be that hard LOL


Oh I tried that on stage 1 of PTR1 and it worked but my freestyle sucked 


N E W   B A N N E R ? ! 

Yayy, Oliver Volcano did it and I really love the result!


Oliver really cooked a 5 star meal


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for those who cant find the exe press "p" in your keyboard for it to automatically get selected

Useful trick! Tyy!

The banner just have been updated! Total credits for that to Oliver Volcano, man he surely knows what does graphic desing means!


YOYOYO! IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was on vacation so i couldn't play it:(


Elian This FanGame Is Great! How Did You Make This In GameMaker?

Well Ive been using game maker since I can remember, some experience I had to have, but tyy!


my winzip trial expired so i tried to extract it but i cant find the file to play the game

The game file is ParappaRapRemix.exe, Game Maker did a mess in the game folder so is kinda hidden but it is there LOL




literally all it shows are the music files lmao 

The .exe file should be there, just use the search bar or something. If you are TOTALLY sure it isnt there, download it again and make sure you un-zip it correctly


I found it, thanks



some of the vocals are off sync from the keys

This is a usual problem, is not a bug but a hardware problem. If the desyncronization is small, restarting the stage after playing the first line should be enough to fix it


we reviving the PaRappa saga with this one (SONY WHERE THE HELL IS PARAPPA 3 YOU LAZY-)


me sorprende que este hecho en game maker studio, pero que version usaste? GMS o GMS2? podrias compartir el codigo fuente del juego para hacer algun mod o algo asi? la verdad aunque no eh tenido tiempo de jugarlo, actua bastante bien como un pseudo port de los 3 juegos. que otros proyectos tienes planeados? seria genial ver un fangame de vib-ribbon :]

Ay gracias! Utilicé Game Maker Studio 1.4.9999, aunque tengo pensado moverme a GMS2 en algún futuro. Sobre lo del código fuente, si voy a liberarlo pero no aún, ya que el juego tiene un easter egg oculto que puede ser fácilmente visto con el código fuente así que primero quiero ver si alguien lo encuentra KJAHSKDJHASKDJHAXD
Sobre mis futuros proyectos, lo mas probable es que haga lo mismo que hice con 2DPortal (Otro de mis proyectos, está en mi pagina de itch.io también) pero con Portal Prelude (Precuela del Portal original), o que me vaya directo a hacer un juego propio en lugar de fangames pero ni idea la verdad. No creo que un fangame de vib-ribbon sea posible puesto que la mecánica principal del juego es utilizar tu propia música insertando discos de música, y no seria imposible replicarlo, pero no se me ocurre ahora mismo como programar algo similar AJHSGDJASGDXD


ya veo :] espero que encuentren el easter egg pronto, de igual forma si en algun momento nesecitas ayuda con arte o algo de gms2 porfa dime ;; hasta ahora me encanta tu trabajo. con lo de vib ribbon quizas podrias hacer algo como lo que hicieron en el fandom de PT con cyop. aun asi espero ver mas proyectos tuyos n_n

Igual si no lo encuentra nadie (Lo mas probable por cierto) igual subiré el source code tarde o temprano para librar espacio en mi compu y todo eso. En todo caso no estaría nada mal recibir ayuda para mis futuros proyectos! Lo tendré en cuenta, muchas gracias! (Y no se que o quien sea cyop pero bueno KAJSHDKAJHSDKXD)


Oye sabes como instalar el juego pq al abrirlo solo me salen los archivos PD:wheres my pawwapa 

Debería existir en la carpeta del juego un archivo llamado ParappaRapRemix.exe. Es medio dificil encontrarlo porque Game Maker hizo un caos en la carpeta y puso varios archivos ahi, pero si lo encuentras solo lo tienes que abrir y ya XD


look for the parappa head it says ParapppaRapRemix.exe







ngl i love this 10/10 but i found a bug where when i do bad it still gives me points and whenever i got cool on 1rst lvl of ptr1 and lose it there is just an awkward silence


Yeah Im aware of this bug but Im not sure why it happens so I couldn't fix it to the release. Hope it can be fixed on a future update ngl


Fua excelente juego, valieron la pena esos 6 meses.

En realidad fue casi un año (Juraria que nueve mese XD) pero no iba mostrando todo en internet hasta no tener una base solida AKSJHDKAJSHDKJHXD


why didnt u just do the exe itself and not a billion other audio files looking for the game itself

Is Game Maker Studio fault not mine LOL




btw the press kit isnt working for me its just blank

Weird, it is fully working to me. You should be able to see a lot of images like this


when i opened the fangame it stoped my windows 10 pc

What are your pc specs?


windows 10


I said pc specs no your OS AKSDHAKSJDHAKSJDHA


what are pc secs?


I loaded up Stage 2 PTR2 and I just have a black screen

What are your pc specs? All the other stages works fine? Have you tried restarting the game?


One small question RandomWorks is the game supposed to pull assets that aren't supposed to be there?

Wdym with that. Just in case you're wondering, is totally normal all the music files are in the game folder


That's epic!




URappa: your pizza is mine hahaha

PaRappa: What?

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can you give my friend a open source, for porting? but he won't leak it


I will release it in the future. I don't want to release it yet bc the game does have a secret easter egg and it can be very easily found in the source code, so I want to see if someone can find it first


THIS IS JUST THE AUDIO?!?!? where is the .exe?!?!?!??!?!


I found it in the middle of the audio, the folder is a bit messy but you should be able to find it if you look hard enough.


File name pls

Is ParappaRapRemix.exe, game maker hidded it with a lot of audio files LOL




Es tan hermoso que va como a 0.01 fps ;) (que podra ser?)

Cuales son los requisitos de tu computadora


Lo unico que se es que es un windows 7 (32 bits) y tiene 2gb de ram (pero de almacenamiento tiene bastante, osea 252gb)

Pero tienes tarjeta grafica? O juegas con los graficos integrados del procesador?


como compruebo eso?

Busca en el buscador del menu inicio de windows "dxdiag" y abrelo, dale que si en caso de que te salga un mensaje, y ahi deberia aparecer la informacion de tu pc


bruh i downloaded the game and there is no game in the files

Is ParappaRapRemix.exe, game maker hidded it with a lot of audio files LOL

Deleted 266 days ago

when i boot it the game just white screens me

This should not happen. I had never happened before. What are your pc specs?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi RandomWorks.

Glith found.

Selected language - English

Non pressed pressed button - Lista de musica

When pressed - Song List

For some reason, its on other language.

This was already reported but thanks anyways. GLaDLY, is just a visual glitch and it doesnt make any gameplay difference, probably it happened when I added the Portuguese language LOL

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My total score in Stage 6 in Cool Mode! Did a score attack on this level!

There's no way that wasn't Cheat Engine KAJSHDKASJHDALOL

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It wasn't cheat engine, I did a lot of freestyles and they gave me like 541+  points or something.

Man I didn't even knew that was possible KAJSHDKAJSHDKAJSHDXDDD

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